Screens and Wall coverings

Vibrant Accent Glass Walls

Glass wall coverings with handmade decorations and geometric patterns

An accent wall is a stylish way to incorporate luxury, elegance and personality into a space. Arte Veneziana’s wall coverings can decorate an entire wall in a house or in a beautiful hotel. A mirrored wall covering can be used as a painting or a unique work of art.

They are unparalleled and made in one limited edition only. This is what we call luxury furniture.

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Wall covering Cadre Venetian
Wall covering Botte French
Wall covering Diamond Deco
Wall covering Bamboo Deco
Wall covering Mondrian Deco
Wall covering Hive French
Wall covering Shatter Deco
Wall covering Eclettica New Classic
Screen Levante Venetian
Screen Aster New Classic
Screen Etesi Deco
Screen Extase French
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